America's Electric Cooperatives PAC
America’s Electric Cooperatives PAC provides an exciting opportunity for you to join other co-op members in raising your voice and participating in the political process. Funds raised by this grassroots network are donated to the political campaigns of candidates whose positions on issues support those of electric cooperatives. No rate dollars are used for this program. All contributions are 100 percent voluntary. When you join this grassroots network, you help with the long-term success of electric cooperatives like Freeborn Mower Electric Cooperative.
Electric co-ops are facing many legislative issues that will affect the future operations of the cooperative and the rates paid by co-op members. One way you can help is by joining America’s Electric Cooperatives PAC, which provides a convenient way for member-owners to participate in the political affairs of their co-op. The participation of member-owners helps ensure the voice of electric cooperatives remains strong and effective in the political arena.
More than 35,000 employees and boards of directors across the country are helping their electric co-ops as PAC members. Member-owners can help by joining America’s Electric Cooperatives PAC to participate in a nationwide grassroots community with a strong collective voice working on behalf of electric cooperatives and their members. By joining, members will receive current information on legislative and political issues affecting local electric cooperatives and their members, including the PAC Newsletter, and receive a membership pin.
Contributions are used to help educate elected representatives about issues affecting your co-op and you, and to explain how proposed legislation could harm or help rural electric consumers and their cooperatives. For more information, please contact Vice President of Consumer Affairs, Robert Behlke, at 877-892-0001 ext. 8553.
America’s Electric Cooperatives PAC is our best tool to get the attention of decision makers in Minnesota and across the country, and to ensure the cooperative business model thrives. Just $25 a year makes you part of this voice for electric cooperatives.
Contact our office to learn more or sign up to participate.
What is a Political Action Committee?
The law allows individuals with common interests to pool their resources using PACs in order to make political contributions to candidates for state and federal office. Candidates who receive a substantial contribution from ACRE get an important message about your interest in your local community's electric cooperative.
Are Contributions Tax-Deductible?
No. The IRS has ruled all political contributions, such as those to America’s Electric Cooperatives PAC, are not tax deductible.
Where Does My Contribution Go?
With the exception of a small federal tax payment of less than 1%, all contributions to the PAC go directly to the campaigns of candidates for political office. A portion of your contribution (about half) may be refunded to your state electric cooperative PAC to support candidates for state office. Contributions go legislators who are favorable to co-op initiatives regardless of party affiliation.
Who Determines How These Contributions Are Made?
Factors that determine financial support include the candidate's position on issues critical to electric co-ops, as well as votes and public statements on these issues; the candidate's committee assignments and leadership positions and his or her relative importance to cooperatives; and a candidate's financial need and the strength of his or her opponent. The political affiliation is never considered.