If you're planning for a new single-phase electric service, or a new three-phase service, or another application, it's time to contact our office. You can call (800) 734-6421 or (507) 373-6421 or stop by during normal business hours.
You will need to contact our staking technician with information regarding the proposed location of your metering and the requested date for the new service. Wiring behind the metering point must be completed by the consumer or the electrical contractor of their choice before construction begins.
When everything is in place, the work order is put on our construction schedule. The actual completion time varies depending on such factors as current workload, complexity of the service installation, and weather-related conditions.

While we do our best to accommodate your construction schedule, adequate lead time is necessary for us to obtain the needed equipment. This is especially important in regard to three-phase service requests. The sooner you can let us know your project requirements, the better able we will be able to meet your service request.