Choose Your Way to Pay
Simple billing solutions and convenience provided to you at no additional charge.
Phone Payment

Phone Payment
Call FMEC at (800) 734 - 6421 to access our Pay by Phone system, 24/7.
Your electric account number is required to make a payment.
This automated system complies with the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard Compliance. These world wide requirements are designed to help companies that process such payments, prevent credit card fraud through increased data controls. This system will also allow members to setup recurring payments.
Auto Bill Pay

Automatic Bill Payment
Have your electric bill automatically deducted from your checking, savings or
credit card each month.
Register for Automatic Bill Payment by logging in to your Smarthub account or by
calling FMEC at (800) 734.6421.
You may also contact our office for more details.
Pay by Mail

Pay By Mail
Enclose your check or money order with the return stub from your bill. Payment should be made at least five (5) business days before the payment is due to allow for the payment to arrive on time.
Mail to:
Freeborn Mower Electric Cooperative
P.O. Box 611
Albert Lea, MN 56007
In Person

In Person
Drop off your payment at our office during business hours.
Monday - Friday
7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
3366 Bridge Ave
Albert Lea MN 56007
Payment Drop Box

Payment Drop Box
Drive up and drop off your payment in the 24/7 drop box located at our office, near the flagpole.
Budget Billing

Budget Billing
Budget billing allows members to pay more balanced monthly payments.
The budget amount is recalculated twice a year in April and October, and the new budget billing amount is reflected on the May and November billing statements. Any credit or debit at the time of recalculation will be divided over the next six months, increasing or decreasing the new recalculated budget billing amount.
In order to participate in the Budget Billing Program, members must have at least six months of usage history with the Cooperative or be willing to have a budget amount based on prior usage at that service location. Additionally, they must have a good credit history and their account must be at a zero balance.
For more information on Budget Billing, please contact our office at (507) 373.6421.