At Freeborn Mower Electric Cooperative, you're not just a customer, you're a member-owner!
Online Utility Exchange
Freeborn Mower Electric Cooperative (FMEC) complies with the Federal Trade Commission Identity Theft “Red Flag” Rules. A “Red Flag” means a pattern, practice, or specific activity that indicates the possible existence of identity theft. The purpose of the Red Flags Rule is to encourage creditors, like FMEC, to establish programs to detect, prevent and mitigate the damage caused by identity theft. New member applicants are verified with an authorized provider to ensure they match social security or other approved identification. They are also checked for credit risk to determine if a deposit will be required. The deposit policy is designed to assess the credit risk for new service applicants while protecting the assets of the utility for all members. The Cooperative will use the ONLINE Utility Exchange service for the purpose of determining a deposit amount. Deposit criteria is available here.
Once you become a new member of Freeborn Mower Electric Cooperative, you will receive a New Member Statement and Member Handbook.