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RURAL ELECTRIC YOUTH TOUR – Washington, D.C. 2024 Application
Sponsored by Freeborn Mower Electric Cooperative
Tour Dates: June 18 through 23, 2024
Completed application, letter of recommendation, photo & essay responses are due to Freeborn Mower Electric Cooperative’s office by 3:30pm Friday, February 9, 2024.
Eligibility Requirements:
Application Submission:
Youth Tour Questions
Please respond to both questions with a video upload of approximately 3-4 minutes or a written/typed essay of a total of around 500 words.
Be unique, be creative, be yourself and have fun!
avi, mov, mp4, ogg, wav, webm
I understand that if I am selected:
txt, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods
Parent/Guardian Consent: I/we hereby give my/our dependent high school junior or senior permission to enter the Rural Electric Youth Tour to Washington, D.C. contest. I/we understand if he/she wins, I/we will be responsible for providing his/her own transportation to and from the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport. By signing this form, we agree the below named student is making a commitment and are obligated to attend the Youth Tour.
Email YouTube link if needed, to:
Lori Jimenez
Freeborn Mower Electric Cooperative
(507) 373-6421